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The Deronda Review
a magazine of poetry and thought Vol. VI No. 1 2015
THE DERONDA REVIEW: Editor: Esther Cameron., Co-editor for Israel: Mindy Aber Barad, POB 1299, Efrat. Hard copy $7, subscription $14, back issue $5. CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE Hayim Abramson Yakov Azriel Mindy Aber Barad Hamutal Bar-Yosef I. Batsheva Gershon ben Avraham Tamar Biton Ruth Blumert Doug Bolling Nechama Sarah G. Nadborny-Burgeman Eric Chevlen Iris Eliya Cohen Zev Davis Robert Glen Deamer Courtney Druz Esther Fein Ruth Fogelman Ray Gallucci Yaffa Ganz Lee Goldstein Leah LJ Gottesman Dina Grutzendler Evelyn Hayes Elyakim Hirschfeld Friedrich Hölderlin Judith Issroff Gretti Izak E. Kam-Ron Miriam Kitrossky Sue Tourkin Komet Don Kristt Gila Landman Pamela Laskin David Lawrence Jack Lovejoy Constance Rowell Mastores JB Mulligan Cynthia Weber Nankee Kjell Nykvist Susan Oleferuk David Olsen Anda Petersen Ellen Powers Haim Schneider Vera Schwarcz Steven Shields Jakob Stein Lois Greene Stone Michael E. Stone Shira Twersky-Cassel Virginia Wyler Michal Zacut Since its inception as The Neovictorian/Cochlea in
1996, The Deronda Review has included a Contributors' Exchange of addresses
(surface, email, URL) and available books. Contributors' Exchange is now a
separate .html file,
and includes contributors from vol. 5 no. 1 on. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Shira Twersky-Cassel’s “Autumn” and “The Language of Longing” are from her book Legends of Wandering and Return. Courtney Druz’s “The Thought Cloud Stair” is from her book The Light and The Light. Haim Schneider’s “Old Man on His Last Legs” is from his book Betrachtungen/Reflections: Zweisprachige Gedichte für nachdenkliche Leute/Bilingual Poems for Pensive People. |
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